Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Types of Shots

The fundamentals of badminton include certain types of shots. There are five essential shots: drive, clear, drop, smash and net. Each of these shots contain a different body form and technique. The offensive shots-- drop and smash-- require more power than defensive shots-- clear and net. Drive shots, however, can be considered both offensive and defensive.

Offensive shots
1. Drop:
  • Hitting the shuttlecock downwards towards the opponent's forecourt, barely over the net and before the service line.
  • If opponent is in the back court, the drop shot will make the opponent run forward.
  • The closer the drop is to the net, the harder it will be to return.
2. Smash:
  • The most powerful shot.
  • At the highest point of contact and a snap of the wrist, the shuttlecock with go speeding downwards in a steep slope.
  • Usually used to end a rally.
Defensive shots
3. Clear:
  • The shuttlecock will hit directly in the middle of the racket-head.
  • The shuttlecock will land in the opponent’s back court.
  • Usually used in need for more time.
  • If opponents are close to the net, the clear shot is useful to make the opponent run towards the back court.
4. Net:
  • A light shot that uses little force to push over the net.
  • Normally tumbles over the net and does not pass the service line.
5. Drive:
  • Hit directly over the net.
  • This shot is quick.
  • The racket should be help in front with the racket-head facing flat forward. Because the quickness, the racket should always be held up.
Here are the five basic shots of badminton. It is difficult to explain without a diagram or video. Hopefully my readers at least get the gist of the shots.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Badminton + Media Attention = Needed

Badminton has always been considered the “underdog” of sports. With basketball, hockey, football and all other in-season sports gaining much media attention, badminton still never receives the acknowledgement it deserves.

In recent news, the National Basketball Association (NBA) players refuse to play this season until they receive a high salary. Making money in order to support family and whatnot is important, but are their salaries not high enough? NBA players should be lucky to receive the attention they are getting, while badminton players in the United States practically receive none.

Badminton is just as much of a sport as basketball or any other sport for that matter. Athletes should focus on playing the sport they love rather than increasing their salary.

Most sports are viewed internationally while badminton is not even played on regular television stations in the United States.

Honestly, I am not very up-to-date with any sport besides badminton. But it is just hard keeping up with badminton tournaments through Youtube or an online blog. It deserves as much media attention as major sports like basketball, football, soccer, golf and more.